7 Tips to avoid a New Year hangover
Drinks have become the norm as a means of celebration in most cultures (especially our Australian culture), and New Year's Eve is definitely one occasion that even the most modest of drinker's may give in. So I won't be a complete party pooper and tell you to take your BPA-free water bottles with you to celebrate, and add a dash of lemon to be extra adventurous LOL, however, here are 7 tips to help make your new year; especially your new year's morning a happier one!
1. Drink in moderation or not at all – It’s far better to abstain altogether, but for those of us who live by the adage “it’s New Year’s and I’m going to celebrate”, it is best to be mindful about your personal alcohol threshold, know how much you can tolerate and drink responsibly.
2. Avoid drinks with congeners – a toxic by-product of alcohol - Congeners are toxic chemicals, other than ethanol itself and increase intensity of hangovers. Drinks high in congeners include whiskey, cognac, and tequila. Whereas colourless drinks like vodka, gin and rum, contain low levels of congeners.
3. Drink plenty of water – Alcohol is a diuretic – making you urinate more. For this reason, it can dehydrate the body and cause subsequent headaches, thirst, fatigue and dry mouth. Aim to drink a glass of water between drinks and a glass before bed, this will prevent dehydration and help flush out the liver and kidneys.
4. Eat protein-rich foods with your drinks – These are high in amino acids which help detoxify the liver and will aid in having less hangover effects. Eating with your drinks will also slow down the absorption of alcohol and sugars.
5. Get enough sleep – Get enough sleep 7-8 hours to help your body rest adequately and recover after drinking.
6. Eat a nourishing breakfast – Hangovers can cause low blood sugar in the morning. To aid this, turning to the age-old hangover remedy of a good, hearty breakfast may be just what the Nutritionist ordered. Include foods rich in protein and good fats such as eggs, avocado, smoked salmon, greens and avoid caffeine as this too can be very dehydrating.
7. Functional foods to help – detoxifying foods like 1 tbsp. raw apple cider vinegar or the juice of half a lemon in a glass of warm water in the morning and anti-inflammatory teas such as ginger or turmeric tea can certainly help the liver start to detoxify itself post new years’ celebrations. It might be time to adopt a long term liver health approach in the new year (take advantage of my New Year Promo).
Lastly, remember that prevention is far better than cure. So if you do bring in the New Year with a "bang" hopefully these tips will help you start 2018 with more energy and vibrancy.
Remember, don't drink and drive and please stay safe on the roads.
Wishing you a Happy and Healthy 2018! Looking forward to a great year ahead!
Deena x