Love Heals

“Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.” – Gary Zukav
Since the dawn of the creation of prescription antibiotics, contemporary medicine has coined the term “a pill for an ill”, as an approach to treating disease, meaning, there is a pharmaceutical pill to be prescribed for potentially any malady you walk into the doctor’s office with.
This “instant approach” to treating disease has also crept into the world of natural medicine, where client’s will walk into the health clinic with the same kind of expectation from their Natural Health Practitioner; “can you just give me a vitamin tablet that will help”?
In Holistic Medicine however, many people are challenged by the notion of healing the WHOLE body in order to treat disease, rather than just treating a symptom with a pill or a topical cream or surgery, only to have it return again in the future because the root cause was not treated. Holistic Medicine, as the name implies treats the WHOLE body taking into account all of its body system’s that are connected in the one body.
Holistic Medicine’s view of “body Systems” takes into account not just the physical body, but importantly, also the other influential areas of the complete being which make up the human, that is body, mind and spirit, including energies in the body and those that surround us... both positive and negative energies. The most powerful positive energy being LOVE.
Love as medicine
My own professional experience with many of my amazing clients over the years has confirmed the influence of certain energies impacting their health, regardless of how well they have followed a prescribed “healthy lifestyle”. There are some who still experience niggling health issues, or become well for a time, and then fall back into the same repetitive symptoms, regardless of how well they’ve been eating, exercising and managing their stress.
To delve into their health more holistically, I will ask about their emotional and relational side that may have an impact on their health. I have on numerous occasions come across a repeating pattern as it were, or a common denominator in which many of them share what I believe could be causing this repeated cycle of ill-health regardless of their consistent physical efforts… and this is, due to a lack of love in their lives.
In his book Healing and Recovery, Dr. David Hawkins affirms, “A loving thought then heals and a negative thought creates illness. Choosing to become a loving person results in the release of endorphins by the brain which has a profound effect on the body’s health and happiness.”
Tony Fakhry magnifies the importance of love for healing when he states, “Love renews and restores inner harmony because every cell in our body is attuned to this natural healing state. I liken it to returning home after being away, to find your key still fits the same door lock”.
What hinders people from love which can bring health and healing?
There is numerous research showing evidence of negative and positive reinforcement influencing health and structure. The Cuddle-Care Programs instated in maternity units across Australia are created to help pre-mature and sick newborns gain health and vitality. Once the babies receive regular contact from caring volunteers who go in to hospitals to hold these babies and show them love and affection, the babies start developing and growing at a healthy rate (1).
A famous “Love/Hate experiment was also conducted on a jar of rice that was neglected and called names, and another jar of rice was given words of affirmation and love… The rice with negative treatment turned black and slimy after one year whereas the rice receiving positive energy and treatment remained white in colour (2).
In my clinical experience, and without going beyond my scope of practice as I’m not a trained Counsellor, I have seen clients battling with health issues who claim to, and show evidence of:
Fear of being loved
Lacking self-love and self-care (stemming from childhood /adult neglect or abuse)
Negative self-talk / self-perception
Being chronically ill for so long, they feel unworthy of love in their life
Surrounded by toxic people in their environment
Being in a toxic relationship, deprived of love
And many others
If you can identify with any of these negative influences which may be stopping you from self-love and loving others, please speak to a qualified Counsellor who can help you through these challenging hurdles, and then see a Holistic Practitioner like myself to help you through the physical aspects of your health and wellbeing. Because depriving yourself from genuine love, is depriving your whole being from the best form of medicine!
“Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.” – Sai Baba
Lots of love and healing,
Deena x
Please comment below of how love may have brought healing to your life or a lack of love brought illness. I would love to hear from you.