Probiotics - One-size does NOT fit all

It’s become common practice these days for people to add Probiotic supplements to their daily routine almost unconsciously. With the number of never-ending products being released on the market at an ever-increasing rate, and advertisements pushing their particular brand of probiotic supplement, it’s not surprising to see consumer’s doing what they do best… fall into the “consumerism” paradigm in the hope of gaining all the promised benefits from the commercials and advertising.
However, what many well-meaning consumers and health seeking people may not know, is that they may be taking a particular type of probiotic supplement that is not benefiting their health at all!
You see, there is well-conducted evidence based scientific research showing specific strains of bacteria promoting beneficial therapeutic effects on specific ailments or health conditions while simultaneously showing some very commonly used strains of bacteria to have little or no effect on certain health conditions.
Some examples include a specific strain of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG has shown association with reducing abdominal pain in some GIT disorders, while other research demonstrates Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM to reduce runny nose in subjects with Allergic Rhinitis (Nasal allergies), there are some strains that reduce diarrhea, while other strains that relieve constipation, so you can imagine, how much of an influence these beneficial bug strains can have and how taking the incorrect one for your needs has potential to be counter-productive.
What this means for you the consumer, is to understand that although probiotics are extremely beneficial for your health, including gut health, immunity, skin health, mental behaviour, anxiety and depression, you should not approach their use with a “one size fits all” approach.
To find out more about which particular strain would benefit you and your particular health needs, or to find out if the one you are taking now is beneficial for you specifically, speak to a qualified Clinical Nutritionist or Functional Medicine practitioner who is knowledgeable in this area, and ensure you are making a positive difference to your health by taking the correct probiotics, because the right ones can be life changing!
If you would like more information about specific strains of a bacteria, please email me and I'll be happy to provide you with information and sources.
In health,
Deena x