6 ways to stay jolly this season

The season to be jolly (aka silly season) has already begun! And if you haven’t enjoyed your work Christmas Party yet, you’re sure to do it soon! Apart from the one or more Christmas parties we may celebrate for work or with other groups, we are currently more than likely being enticed in the office by co-workers or management’s Christmas treats being shared around the workplace left, right and centre!
Indulgent foods are slowly creeping their way into our meals almost unknowingly, while we get busier to meet the end of year deadlines or work those extra hours. So, we don’t need much convincing to say “yes” to those yummy office treats that are being passed around for that much needed quick-hit of sugar-energy which we need to keep going. And while sharing the occasional office treat is ok for most people to enjoy, too much of these treats could quickly turn this “jolly” season into a not-so jolly one, with increased chances of experiencing fatigue, bloating, anxiety, sleeplessness and maybe even adding a few extra kg’s.
While it is important for us to enjoy the end of year season with friends and colleagues and appreciate all the hard work and efforts that have gone into the year, it’s also just as important to look after our health at the same time.
Is this even possible? You may ask…
Yes, it is! And while I’m not advising you to take your own carrot and celery sticks to work with you while all of your friends indulge in pizza and cake (although that is an undeniably great option for your health LOL), I am recommending that you prepare yourself for the days that you know you will be indulging in festive foods…
The easiest way is to help control your cravings by increasing your satiety, so you don’t feel as tempted to fill up on festive food or graze on the junk roaming around the office. Here are some easy tips to increase satiety and decrease your desire to eat junk:
Eat an energizing breakfast. A good mix of healthy protein, good fats and complex carbohydrates will fill you up and sustain you for most of the first half of the day and your blood glucose levels more balanced.
Drink water /herbal teas throughout the day. – Sometimes we mistake hunger for thirst, and snack on whatever is in front of us, when our body is actually in need of more hydration not food.
Take a healthy lunch and snacks with you to work and eat some, not ALL of the food that is on offer at work to remain social
Bring some healthy protein rich snacks with you to munch on before, these will significantly reduce your appetite to eat the unhealthier options. Some great high protein options include: raw almonds, Greek yoghurt and berries, hummus with veg sticks, tuna and rice cakes etc.
Try small portions of different foods that are on offer rather than filling your plate. Try your best to avoid deep-fried and sugar-laden foods and opt for the higher protein choices and vegetables where possible.
Where alcohol is being served, mocktails and mineral water are the best option, however if you do choose to drink, make sure you can stick to a maximum of 2 drinks (opting for clean spirits like gin, vodka or preservative free red wine) and space them out with mineral water or mocktails in between.
Moderation and balance are always key for good nutrition choices. And this great season is not a time to deprive yourself and feel anti-social or lonely (which is also counter-productive to good health), but it’s also not a time to over indulge in the wrong foods and create an imbalance in our health. Self-control is key! Finding balance in enjoying your time celebrating with your friends, while not compromising on your health is the best way to go!
Enjoy this time of year! You’ve earned it!
If you would like any personalized tips or advice on how to get through this party season, while still maintaining your health, contact me and we can discuss your options further.
In health
Deena x