What can you do about Candida?

I have been meaning to write this post for quite some time since Candida overgrowth is becoming more of a common issue that I come across in clinic and often encounter questions from friends about typical symptoms they are experiencing. They ask me, “Deena, what can I do to naturally treat my candida overgrowth?” I’m happy to report that I myself have personal experience with candida in the past, and utilised both medical treatments and natural treatments to overcome it (on separate occasions). After researching, experimenting and learning from some great experienced mentors, I am happy to say that the natural approach has proven remarkably successful. This is the approach I continue to use with my current clients today, and so far, they have all cleared their candida overgrowth successfully.
If you find yourself suffering from brain fog, bloating (sometimes constant bloating), lethargy, digestive issues, skin rashes or itchiness and sugar cravings… among many other potential signs, keep reading on, because this post might be just what you need to read.
What is Candida?
Candida albicans is a naturally occurring yeast in the body. It can grow in the mouth, vagina and gastrointestinal tract. At normal levels its harmless and co-exists alongside the trillions of other bacteria in our body. However if you have gut imbalances, high stress, not enough sleep, are taking the contraceptive pill (OCP), drink alcohol regularly, eat a diet high in processed and refined sugary foods, candida can easily overgrow. If someone has an overgrowth of candida, they can often appear to look healthy on the outside. Therefore, many people (even healthcare professionals) are completely unaware that there is a candida infection deep within the body. Symptoms of candida can mimic a lot of other illnesses, so it can easily go on mis-diagnosed.
Symptoms of Candida overgrowth
· Lethargy (or chronic fatigue) · Migraines and headaches · Brain fog and difficulty concentrating · Cravings for sugar and carbohydrates · Sinus issues · UTI’s · Thrush · Hormonal imbalances or menstrual irregularities · Joint pain · Digestive issues such as bloating, cramps, constipation
or diarrhoea · Skin issues such as acne or rashes · Low immunity (catch colds/infections easily) · Low libido · Bad breath · White coating on the tongue · Food sensitivities · Weight issues and others
Common causes of Candida overgrowth today:
Lifestyle dietary factors can promote candida overgrowth quickly, including;
· Stress (emotional, physical stress)
· Not getting enough sleep (another form of stress on the
· The contraceptive pill
· Refined and processed foods (eating white grains, fast
food and foods from packets)
· Sugar –this is the main food that candida LOVES to
thrive on!!!
· Excess alcohol – alcohol contains sugar which adds
more fuel to the candida fire much like sugar
· Low fibre diets - not consuming enough vegetables and
· Overuse of antibiotic medications – antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria in the gut. When your ‘good’ levels drop you will have a higher level of the ‘bad bacteria’ and a thriving ground for naturally occurring candida yeast to overgrow. Candida is very commonly seen after taking a course of antibiotics (but is not always the case).
If you can relate to some or many of the symptoms above, it may be likely that you may be experiencing candida overgrowth. Continue reading on to see what kinds of natural means we can implement to relieve symptoms.
Can you confirm if it's Candida?
As I mentioned earlier, many conventional doctors will typically treat for other common bowel issues, or their means of treating chronic fatigue. Unless you specifically tell them you would like to test for Candida overgrowth, they would be more inclined to overlook this.
As a functional medicine Nutritionist, my mode of testing when I suspect Candida albicans overgrowth, once I’ve taken a thorough health history of your lifestyle and symptoms would be to order a Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (which is only ordered by Natural health practitioners like myself) where you will be tested for the amount of Candida albicans among other pathogenic yeasts in your stool, plus the percentage of good and bad bacteria in your gut to see if there are any imbalances there also.
Candida fighting foods
In addition to professional supplementation with candida-specific gut-balancing probiotics and high strength natural anti-microbials, consuming the right foods is the best way to manage Candida and keep it under control. It’s important to avoid sugars (even fruit sugars), alcohol and refined carbohydrates as these will only encourage the candida to grow in your system and exacerbate your symptoms. Eating a natural, wholefoods diet with more fresh vegetables and no fruit (only lemons, limes and some berries) and all-natural ingredients (I've found the ketogenic diet to be affective). Avoiding the trigger foods will help starve the yeast and including the following foods into your daily diet will help to eradicate it and keep it under control with time and consistency.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Contains acetic acid, enzymes and anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and also aids digestion. Take 1 Tbsp of ACV and mix it with a glass of warm water and drink 20 mins before every meal. The apple cider vinegar helps to fight off the intestinal yeast overgrowth by actually killing candida while helping to create a good environment for friendly gut bacteria.
Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory spice with added anti-fungal properties. Similar to caprylic acid, it appears to damage yeast cells, causing them to denature and eventually die off. Cinnamon also helps alleviate those pesky sugar cravings. Add some to your herbal teas or into your smoothies.
Organic Cold pressed Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can effectively fight candida due to its antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. The combination of lauric acid and caprylic acid found in coconut oil kills off harmful yeasts through both consumption and topical application. You can use it to cook with and use topically to any external areas that may be affected. It’s a great moisturiser for the skin!
The panacea of natural medicine also called “Nature’s antibiotic”, contains very powerful anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties. Add it to your cooking, salad dressings, sauté your veggies in it. Delicious medicine!
Ginger contains gingerols and shogaols, the anti-inflammatory and antifungal components of the ginger root. I love to add fresh ginger to my cup of bone broth, fresh veggie juices or add it to stir-fry’s.
Green Veggies
Help to alkalise the body which aids the fight against the acidic nature of yeast overgrowth. Leafy greens and green vegetables don’t contain sugar, but contain magnesium, Vitamin C, Iron, chlorophyll, folate which all help to detox, cleanse and support the body’s immunity and energy.
Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and cabbage are all cruciferous veggies. These are rich in sulfur and nitrogen which can attack candida.
Grass-Fed Butter or Ghee
Both provide rich sources of butyric acid—the primary fuel source for the gut that helps to reduce inflammation and regenerate gut cells. Grass-fed butter and ghee also contains lauric acid—a potent antimicrobial and anti-fungal substance. Grass-fed butter is a daily staple in my kitchen!
The take home message…
Getting the right balance of bacteria and yeasts in the gut is the aim of the game. When we nurture our gut health and the microbial balance is in alignment, then we will generally see the improvements we want. Remember, it all comes back to the famous quote from the Father of Modern Medicine that I live by… “All disease begins in the gut!” (Hippocrates).
If you would like to give your gut some professional attention and get your microbial balance tested for any overgrowths, please contact me through my contact page for a one-on-one online or face to face consultation. I’d be more than happy to guide you through your gut-healing journey.
Health and love to you!
Deena x
The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please speak to a qualified health practitioner (by personal consultation) before making any changes to your medication, diet or lifestyle.