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For the Love of Chocolate!

Primal Health Kitchen Snickerz Recipe

The 7th of July has become a significant date for me the last 12 years. It’s the day I lost the sweetest, kindest and most loving man I’ve ever known and loved… My beloved grandfather who made such an influential impact on my life and will always be treasured in my heart. I am dedicating this post to my late grandfather, Ezaria K. David, as I share more about my ‘other’ LOVE with you.

This week, I found out today coincidentally commemorates another great love of mine…. CHOCOLATE! As 7th July officially marks World Chocolate Day, which makes it a bitter-sweet day for me, but one that I intend on commemorating, while I spread the love and knowledge of chocolate – Amazingly good, decadent and healthy chocolate by sharing one of my all-time favourite Primal Health Kitchen recipes with you.

Where the love started...

Many of you may not know that while I was studying at College and Uni, I started my own little catering business – Primal Health Kitchen, where my love for Nutrition and experiencing tasty desserts were married together to create recipes and design sweet treats that were predominantly plant based, paleo, raw vegan desserts. The business was born after some of my vegan friends adored the healthy desserts I made for them whenever they visited, so they greatly encouraged me to make a business of it and see how I’d go (Thanks Joelle and Melina xx).

Long-story-short, the business boomed quite rapidly. I was selling raw vegan desserts and Paleo desserts wholesale to various businesses around Sydney from the CBD, Eastern Suburbs to the West, and some regular private clients in-between. My personal love for chocolate, and passion for teaching my motto “healthy can be delicious” inspired me to trial various recipes in the kitchen until I came up with the ultimate chocolate consistency and taste that I was happy with and knew my customers from all over Sydney enjoyed and loved… The rest as they say is history.

So today, in keeping with World Chocolate Day and commemorating the people I love by sharing more love through chocolate, I will pass on my secret, most requested, and popular chocolate treat recipe… It’s even been known to convert avid junk food eaters to ask for a 2nd piece! Yes! That good!

Here is my Raw Vegan Snickerz Bar recipe. When made with patience and love, it tastes even better than the real thing!


Raw Vegan Snickerz Bar Recipe


Chocolate Base:

¼ Cup Raw organic coconut oil melted

1/3 Cup Raw Cacao Powder

2 Tbsp Coconut nectar or Pure Maple Syrup

1 ½ Tbsp Raw Cacao Butter

1 Tbsp Mace root powder

Nougat Layer (middle)

½ Cup smooth raw cashew butter

¼ cup Coconut butter

2 Tbsp Coconut Nectar or Pure Maple Syrup

½ tsp vanilla extract

Caramel Layer (Top)

¾ Cup Medjool dates pitted

¼ Cup smooth roasted cashew butter

2 Tbsp Coconut Oil melted

1 Tbsp lukewarm water

Pinch of Sea Salt


¼ Cup roasted cashew nuts


  1. For the base layer: place cacao butter and coconut butter into a small heat proof bowl or jug and melt over bain-marie on a low heat stove. Stir gently and continuously until melted to liquid.

  2. Once melted, mix in coconut nectar/syrup, cacao powder and maca powder

  3. Pour the melted chocolate mixture into a lined 6-inch square tin and place in the freezer to set for 20 minutes.

  4. For the Nougat: Place all the nougat ingredients into a food processor and blend together until a smooth peanut butter-like consistency is reached.

  5. Ensure the chocolate base layer is set firm before spreading the nougat mixture evenly over the base with a spatula. Return to the freezer to set.

  6. For the Caramel topping (my favourite): Add the dates, roasted cashew butter and salt to the food processer and blend until mixed well. Pour in the melted coconut oil gradually and blend to combine until you reach a thick,

sticky, caramel-like consistency. Add 1 tsp of water to the mix if needed to smooth it out. This might take 3-5 minutes to reach a smooth consistency, so be patient.

  1. Pour the caramel on top the set layers and spread evenly over the square with a spatula.

  2. Roughly chop the roasted cashews for the topping and sprinkle them generously over the top of the caramel, while gently pushing them into the caramel slightly so they don’t fall off when set.

  3. Return to the freezer to set completely for another 1 hour. When ready, slice into desired size of squares or rectangles to serve.

  4. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

Enjoy these with your friends and loved ones, knowing that they satisfy that lovely ‘sweet spot’ while also being handmade with healthy ingredients and lots of love!

Looking forward to hearing from those of you who make this recipe. Please share your comments and feedback below. I’d love to hear from you.

In health and love

Deena x

In loving memory of Ezaria K. David 7.7.07

The Sweetest Grandfather who ever lived!

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