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How to Boost Your Immunity Daily

With Corona virus (COVID-19) dominating the news, we’ve seen and heard a barrage of varied conspiracy theories circulate, many opinions posted on social media outlets and numerous public addresses by global leaders including our very own PM addressing the extreme health risks involved and the precautions people should take to avoid contracting the virus.

As a cure for this particular virus strain has not yet been developed, the latest advice to date as I write this, is for people travelling into Australia by air to remain quarantined in their home for at least 14 days before re-circulating into society, people returning from cruises to remain under quarantine at home for 30 days and for the rest of us to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 metres away from each other and try to stay at home to avoid contact with the public in the hope of preventing promotion of the virus. These are all understandable measures and precautions the general public should take to avoid contracting COVID-19 with the addition of standard hygiene practices... Clearly there is no mention of toilet paper for the treatment or prevention of disease in any official capacity! ;)

Apart from the above recommended physical and geographical precautions advised, there are effective and powerful ways that we can adopt daily to build up our own personal human defence system by boosting our immunity and thereby increase our chances of not contracting any virus, or reducing the severity of it if we do happen to catch one.

Here are some ways that you can bolster your body’s immune system:

Vitamin A rich foods:Vitamin A provides a powerful protection against viruses. So, take your Cod Liver Oil, one that contains natural vitamin A and eat liver about once a week.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D works synergistically with vitamin A to maintain a strong immune system. The best sources are cod liver oil, egg yolks from pastured hens, butter from grass-fed cows, fish eggs and daily sunlight exposure of at least 15-20 mins per day, or up to 40 mins if you have darker skin. Sunlight exposure around midday provides the most effective vitamin D absorption.

Vitamin C is a well-known nutrient for both innate (first response) and adaptive immunity. Vitamin C is utilised by the body’s “pathogen killing” cells, or “the soldier’s” of the body. It plays a role in the clean-up at the site of infection and reduces potential tissue damage.

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables will provide adequate vitamin C to support your immune system. The fresher the foods, the better as being a water-soluble vitamin, the levels of this vitamin decline more and more after they’ve been picked. A great way of ensuring the most nutrients from your fresh fruit is to stock up on frozen produce such as berries, kiwi fruit and frozen vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and cauliflower.

**A great way to start the day for your daily dose of vitamin C is to squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of warm water and drink that first thing in the morning.

Zinc: This mighty mineral is known to play a central role in the immune system, in fact, zinc deficient people experience increased susceptibility to a variety of pathogens as it is crucial for the normal development and function of the white cells and natural killer cells of the immune system which protect the body from these invaders.

The highest source of zinc is found in oysters which contain the most per serving than any other food. Red meat and poultry tend to provide the majority of zinc in the standard western diet, so vegans and vegetarians should monitor their intake regularly. Some great vegetarian foods that are rich in zinc include pepita seeds (pumpkin seeds), beans, nuts, wholegrains, fortified breakfast cereals and some dairy.

Fermented foods: Fermented dairy foods like kefir naturally contain probiotics which promotes healthy gut microbiota, which supports the immune system. Other great probiotic rich foods to support immunity include some household favourites such as pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, kombucha and raw apple cider vinegar. Ensure you have your daily dose of fermented goodies to help keep viruses at bay.

Gelatin-rich Bone Broth: Supports the immune system and helps us detoxify. This protein rich superfood aids in boosting our bodies immune cells, heal the gut lining which is imperative for healthy immune function, and provides amino acids including glycine and proline to assist with detoxification (see post for my recipe).

Apart from your dietary intake, there are some all-important lifestyle changes that should be maintained to strengthen your immune system and protect yourself from any viruses, these are:

Lifestyle choices for immunity

Moderate and consistent exercise: Exercise for at least 30 minutes per day has shown to improve immune function. Of course, the opposite effect, a depletion of our immune defences can also be associated with too much exercise and inadequate nutrients and rest, so moderation is advised for a healthy balance.

Adequate sleep: Trying to get at least 7-8 hours of restful sleep with the same sleep and wake up times consistently is also beneficial for supporting immunity. A lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep and rest has been shown to compromise immunity.

Stress management: Stress today has become a part of our lives, but it is when it becomes consistent and not managed well that it can have an impact on not just our mental but our physical health, and especially that of our gut and immune system. It is important to identify any stressors in your life and look into effective ways to manage or support these areas to reduce your stress load and in-turn strengthen your immunity.

These are just some of the most effective ways to strengthen our body’s defences against disease and empower ourselves to make more proactive choices every day to help reduce our chances of illness, reduce the burden on the health system and economy, and importantly, boost our confidence in place of the fast-spreading fear that is circulating the world day by day amid the barrage of news and media headlines.

Let’s put our phones, social media sources and packets of toilet paper down for now and do the best and most effective things possible to control this ‘pandemic’! Let’s choose functional foods and hygiene over fear, and healthy living choices over anxiety and helplessness. The power is in our hands, so let’s choose wisely for ourselves and our families.

In Health and love,

Deena x

For all the latest information and updates on Corona-19 please visit the Australian Department of Health website

If you feel unwell or are suspicious that you may have symptoms of Corona virus, please see your local GP immediately or your closest hospital emergency department.

**This information is for educational purposes and is not intended to be taken to treat or cure any illness. Please speak to your health practitioner or contact me for more personalised health information.

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