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#ChoosetoChallenge International Women's Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day this year (8th March 2021), I would like to shine a different light on the chosen theme “Choose to Challenge” based on my own professional experiences in working with my female clients over the years. Albeit the current theme set is based on challenging the outdated workplace culture to encourage more equality among female employees, an important message that I stand by, and wish to also enforce in the global workforce. However within my own clinic doors, there is yet another viewpoint I would like to encourage women to stand by and advocate when the theme “Choose to Challenge” is under the lime light… and that is, it is time to stand up and choose to challenge yourself!

When I say “choose to challenge yourself” to all the beautiful women out there who are the wonderful nurturer’s, mother’s, wives, partners, sisters, career women, athletes, bodybuilder’s, teachers, individuals and amazing influencer's of community and culture that you are, I mean that you need to be reminded of the greatness that you, as an individual woman can contribute to the society, whether it be within your family, your workplace, your school, your community or your own individual existence in the universe. You are here for an amazing purpose! And you will never realise your true potential unless you challenge yourself to work with what you currently have, in order to see positive change and grow!

I challenge you to challenge yourself to:

Start a new health program

- Start a new gym membership

- Join a yoga class

- Join a fitness group

- Download a fitness app and workout from home

- If already training, change up your current routine to something more challenging

Start eating more healthily (start slow and challenge your way up)

- Reduce your coffee intake

- Drink those 8 – 10 glasses of filtered/spring water each day

- Remove sugars and starches from your diet

- Then remove inflammatory foods (gluten and dairy)

- Remove foods you have sensitivity towards (food elimination diet)

- Increase your vegetables to 5 cups a day

- Eat only wholefoods

Start loving yourself again

- Schedule time for yourself

- Do things that make you feel good

- Journal

- Meditate

- Be ok with saying “no” when you need to

- Speak to a counsellor for some guidance in how to love yourself

- Read / listen to some self-help books

- Address your past hurts for healing

- Avoid toxic relationships (both male and female)

- Desire to thrive as the amazing woman you are whatever your life stage!

- Realise you are worthy of being healthy, whole and loved

Challenge other women

- Encourage other women in your life to grow in areas they’re neglecting

- Be a positive influence for change

- Create a tribe of like-minded women who you trust to keep you accountable to your goals and aspirations

And then… keep challenging yourself. In every way, every day to watch yourself grow, change and ultimately make that positive difference to your own life which will reverberate through to the rest of the world.

Choose to Challenge yourself each day. Move out of that comfort zone and move those mountains, both great and small my beautiful, amazing sisters!

Happy International Women’s Day!

If you would like to chat about the ways you would like to challenge yourself, send me an email or message for some encouragement. #ChoosetoChallenge

In health and love

Deena xo



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