What is SIBO?
The increasingly common Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is the leading cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is a condition in which bacteria which are normally found in the large intestine have overgrown into the small intestine.
SIBO can occur when the ileocecal valve (which connects the large and the small intestine) is dysfunctional, allowing large intestinal bacteria to migrate upwards into the small intestine, where they wreak havoc.
The normal cleansing wave of the small intestine is disrupted, or stopped. This cleansing wave is called the Migrating Motor Complex (MMC), and occurs approximately every 90 minutes, typically between meals. The function of the MMC is to wash out accumulated bacteria and propel them toward the colon. The result is bacteria are allowed to grow and proliferate throughout the small intestine (a little over 6 meters in length).
Bloating after meals
Burping after meals
Abdominal cramping
Diarrhea or constipation or alternating
Acid reflux
Acne rosacea
Leaky gut symptoms (food sensitivities, joint pain, brain fog, etc)
SIBO can affect one’s quality of life in many ways. Apart from the above mentioned health issues which may cause discomfort and in some cases embarrassment, a major way that SIBO can impact one’s health negatively is by creating nutrient deficiencies. You see, the Small Intestine is where most of our nutrients are absorbed from the food we eat. Nutrients including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are all imperative for the body to utilise for building and repairing cells and DNA for healthy bodily functions. When the overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine competes with and compromises nutrient absorption, we begin to see an array of different health conditions manifest in individuals - all depending on their genetic predisposition to disease and also, the influence of their current diet and lifestyle.
SIBO can be diagnosed via a simple, non-invasive breath test. Bacterial overgrowth can cause a rise in gases which are not produced by humans. These gases are hydrogen and methane, which diffuse from the small intestine into the blood and are carried to the lungs where they are exhaled. By capturing the breath after a specific prep diet, hydrogen and methane gases are easily assessed.
Best of all, the test can be done conveniently at home.
Simply contact me if you would like to have a SIBO breath test kit sent to your home/office. Once the test is ordered I will advise you on the prep diet before you take the test and provide you with the support you need if the test results come back positive.
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In health and love
Deena x