Your Gut Says It All!

During this recent lockdown period in Sydney due to COVID, I have conducted a record number of Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analyses (CDSA) tests for many new and existing clients. What is the reason behind conducting these tests you may be wondering?
It is simply because the gut, or more specifically, the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of your body is central to identifying potential disease. The gut can disclose the reason for your lethargy, nutrient deficiencies, bloating, digestive dysfunction, liver issues, hormonal imbalances, skin issues, fertility issues, hair-loss, candida, immune function, and so much more!
"All dis-ease begins in the gut." Hippocrates
As my all-time favourite health hero Hippocrates famously states, “All dis-ease begins in the gut”. Following this mantra and the mountains of research that have been conducted over the centuries of modern medicine to prove this fact… The gut is the best place to start investigating when we are looking to improve your overall health or even some specific digestive issues.
The benefits of having one of these tests done now, during COVID season, is that I can order these for you to be done within the comfort of your own home or office, and then discuss the results and accompanying health and wellness plan with you via Zoom, again, from the comfort of your own home or office. Finding out more about how your GIT is functioning is a great investment in your health and will help answer a lot of those unknown questions you may be asking about that niggling symptom you haven’t been able to treat.
You may be wondering what exactly a CDSA tests for? There is a basic test and then varying types of the same test which become more comprehensive with each escalating level.
A standard test analyses your stool sample for how well you are:
Digesting (breaking down) your foods, specifically proteins, starches, fibres and vegetables.
Checks for traces of blood and mucous which could indicate inflammation or more serious bowel conditions.
Checks the amount of specific Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA’s) which are imperative for gut health and immune function
Checks the level and balance of your microbiome: Specifically, the number of commensal bacteria in your GIT and the amount of pathogenic (disease causing bacteria) We want the former to have higher levels than the latter
In addition, we can also check for other disease-causing agents such as parasites, yeasts like Candida albicans, H. Pylori and so much more.
Investigating your gut health can help you understand why you’ve been feeling bloated, gassy, have irregular bowel habits, suffer from indigestion, feeling sluggish, moody, anxious, depressed or help you understand why you may have fatty liver when you hardly drink any alcohol…
Like I said… Your gut says it all!
If you would like to investigate your gut health from the comfort of your own home or office, contact me and we can get you started on the road to feeling better sooner! There’s no better time like the present!
In health and love